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Bucked up in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2017-11-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fucked upbucketbucketfulbacked uptuckedsuckedfuckedkick the bucketMeaning: adj. inspired with confidence. 
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1 Buck up! We'll be late.
2 If you don't buck up, we'll be late.
3 Oh, buck up for heaven's sake, Anthony! I'm sick of looking at your miserable face.
4 He knew that with a change of scene he would soon buck up.
5 Come on, buck up, things aren't that bad!
6 Buck up! There's no school tomorrow!
7 Buck up, John! We'll be late.
8 An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff.
9 He bucked up when I said he could go.
10 Buck up, Tom[], or you'll be late for school!
11 You'd better buck up your ideas if you want to pass the exam.
12 It'll be a long time before the situation starts to buck up.
13 People are saying if we don't buck up we'll be in trouble.
14 Buck up ! Lots of people fail their driving test first time.
15 Buck up kid! It's not the end of the game.
16 The aim, it seemed, was to buck up their spirits in the face of the recession.
17 Buck up your ideas or you'll get more of the same treatment.
18 I say, buck up, Bill - if you're man enough for Gennifer,( you're man enough for me!
19 Short-term projects to improve customer service might buck up the conviction of those managers.
20 The weather bucked up once we were back, tho' it is far from warm.
21 After taking a shower, he bucked up a little.
22 There was road construction on highway 9 and traffic bucked up for a mile.
More similar words: fucked upbucketbucketfulbacked uptuckedsuckedfuckedkick the bucketpluckeda drop in the bucketbuckbuck upbuckleroebuckbucklerbuckingbuckledbucklingbig bucksmegabuckbushbuckunbucklebuckshotbuckskinbuckwheatquick buckbuckle downmegabucksperked upbooked up
Total 22, 30 Per page  1/1 
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